Ebay auctions

I currently have 5 art dolls available on Ebay auctions. I'm experimenting to see which will be the best online market for my work - Ebay or Etsy. So far all my sales have been to people who have seen me sitting and working, so I tend to take something with me wherever I go.

The advanced search for my seller username (designarob) brings up this which I'm hoping this will send you to my Ebay page:

http://tinyurl.com/28w4yc[Open in new window]

They are similar to the doll pictured to the right of this page, which was a custom order. I love making these little Dream Stars. They are a great take along, and somehow all seem very pensive and gentle. Some of them make me think of Mona Lisa.

There is recycling in them too. I use pages from the never-ending catalogs and junk mail I get to make the paper beads.


Pam said…
that doll to the right on your page, the main picture there, is beautiful. how did you attach her hair?

OK now I am off to experiment with the plastic bag yarn, I have never seen that before but such a great idea.

Awesome blog Robyn,
Thank you Pam.

I tie two or three strands of the chosen yarns together in the middle of the lengths, and then stitch the single hitch knot to the head. I start at the seam line then make a row on the brow and another to the back. So three rows of hair, which seems to make pretty luxuriant locks. Any heavier and the head droops too much.

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