Dream Star Dolls Going Uptown

Here is the first batch of Dream Star Art Dolls for the Uptown Village Market. Each is one-of-a-kind in a series.

Green Batik

My beautiful beaded 8 1/2 inch Dream Star Dolls appeal to people on an emotional level. Somehow, magically, you will be drawn to one. I can't predict which doll you will like - it just happens. You will just feel called to her. You will pick her up, turn her over in your hands and enjoy the soft hair, the little surprises of the paper beads or the charms. Sometimes the words on some of the charms will be the clincher. I never know which will be claimed first. But somehow they all eventually go out into the world to inspire dreams of beauty.

Bright Batik

Some people keep them on their mantels, others by their bedside. Lots of people tell me they keep theirs beside their computer. Maybe you will tell her your troubles, or just feel grateful that there are beautiful things and beautiful people all around you.

Orange Lady Charms

Maybe you will see one and immediately be reminded of someone special in your life - someone beloved. Maybe the doll is calling to you to take her to that person, to be their totem. My dolls make gorgeous and very unique gifts - you won't find the same doll twice. 

Cerulean Blue

They will be presented at Uptown Village Market for $50.00 (+ tax).


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