Happy New Year

It has now been almost two years since I started this blog, and a little longer since I began my art doll and crafting business. The picture is one of my earliest dolls. I have to say that I enjoy blogging immensely, still love making art dolls and textile based artwork, but I'm not really satisfied with the progress of my business.

Rather than resolutions, I am spending today quantifying and recording the goals and aspirations that have been flowing swirling around in my mind over the last couple of weeks.

In terms of Iggy Jingles Crafts, I have these goals for 2010:

*To send out at least 6 newsletters. (You can opt in by filling out your email addy in the box - Mac users, email me if the box is obscured.)
*To enter at least 2 national contests. I'm pretty sure one will be the Hoffman Challenge.
*To submit two articles or projects to relevant publications. (Not counting my regular column with Natural Life - which I love doing and gives me so much satisfaction.)
*To curate my exhibition ReACtion and finish the four figures I am planning to be part of it.
*To finish and submit my book proposal about refashioning and upcycling old clothes.
*To finish and publish my other book, "Making, Mending and Mothering".
*To participate in as many trades and challenges as I can in the several Art Doll and crafty clubs in which I am a member. ADO has quarterly challenges, and it seems like my doll friends in DDD and Doll Street Dreamers have a lot of fun with their challenges.
*To develop a new product to add to the stable of art doll styles and textile items I currently make for sale.
*To develop some fashion and playline doll clothing patterns. I want to have a American Girl sized kimono outfit and work up some fashions for Ellowynne Wilde.
*Make a wardrobe of cool and quirky clothes to wear to replace the garments I've been wearing for years that all seem to have reached the end of their useful lives at once.

One of the most satisfying things I did over the course of last year was donate a couple of dolls to different good causes. I'd like to do that again. Sadly we never seem to be short of causes...

Mainly I just want to sell more dolls, especially commissions. I know the economy is bad, and people want to use their limited money for essentials. I do myself. But what I also want to do is improve the quality and individuality of my dolls so that those art doll afficianados with disposable income will want to add a couple of my dolls to their collections. (Hence trades and challenges.) I hope to have sufficient funds from early in the year sales to attend one or more of the higher end craft fairs too.

My daughter and I have made one resolution. We are determined to begin our holiday decorating immediately after Thanksgiving this year, instead of waiting until the last minute.

Well, it's all out in public now. I'll look darn silly if I reneg now.


Pam said…
"*Make a wardrobe of cool and quirky clothes to wear to replace the garments I've been wearing for years that all seem to have reached the end of their useful lives at once."

I sure hope you blog when you do this. I would love to see the clothing. Also really enjoyed the post about making the gift bags. Love that idea. Keep up the great work Robyn!

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