Family Tree Workshop at CAFAM

My good friend, and wonderful fiber and mixed media artist, Talitha Sherman is going to be teaching an awesome textile project with the Craft and Folk Art Museum here in Los Angeles. It's her first time working with that organization. Here's the full description: Sunday, August 15 (oh hey that's my birthday...) 1.00 - 4.00 PM The Fabric of Your Life: Family Tree Tapestry Celebrate your History with a Family Tree wall hanging made from meaningful fabrics. Join us to create a one of a kind piece of textile art celebrating your unique family and utilizing material that has journeyed with you. Bring your own fabric or choose from our supplies. Just about any fabric can be repurposed and turned into something special and new, your favorite old shirt, grandma's nightgown, bed sheets, almost anything. The fabric must be ironable; silks, satins and cottons work best. You will create your wall hanging with scissors, heat bond and an iron. First you'll fuse your ...