Well here are the two Dream Dolls (between 11 and 13 inches high with an internal wire armature)that I finished. The fabrics were cottons and flannels that were special leftovers from garments made by and for members of my client's family. The flower petals, most of the charms and large beads were equally significant and historical. Even the paper beads were from pages of magazines that were important to her.

One makes me think of fireworks and flamenco and celebrations, the other of spring mornings and tea parties and a cottage garden. I'm happy and so is their new owner who has received them into their new home.


Sue said…
I just *love* these dolls. Absolutely magical.
Thank you, Sue. As I said in another post, I really enjoyed making these - it felt very spiritual somehow to be working with raw materials that had such meaning for my client (who is also a friend). There were lots of magical moments when the colors and bits just so clearly split between the two dolls.

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