New Job with Provo Craft!

I'm very excited to announce that I have been offered a fabulous position demonstrating the Cricut made by Provo Craft in my local Michaels Craft store. I have been yearning for a Cricut for years and now it seems I will have the opportunity to learn all about it! I see it as a tool that would only enhance my ability to make all kinds of cool things, like these mini gift tags.
I haven't been much of a scrapbooker up until now - I'm looking forward to moving into a whole new area of paper crafting and personal journalling. It's about time that some of the beautiful photographic material my mother left me is made into something.
Meanwhile my Bead Head dolls will soon be presented with their own art journals.
I've been using the Provo Craft Knifty Knitter for years. Currently in the works - a pair of upcycled cuffs from tie-bleached T-shirts for eventual submission to Altered Couture. Now how can I incorporate cut card shapes....I'm currently fascinated with the idea of making other objects into beads and sequins for attachment by thread.
So soon I'll post my schedule, and I hope any readers local to me will come on by and see the Cricut in action at Michaels in Hawthorne.


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